Saturday, April 11, 2015



My group discussed the video above and we discussed various questions such as: 
-Is being naturally gifted unfair to those who are not? 
It could be said that people who are born naturally gifted don't have to work as hard as someone who isn't to attain the same goal. 
-Does the background we come from really matter? 
You could potentially gain more social connections and more opportunities when coming from a privileged background so in that sense background matters. 

-What could we do to have more equality in society today?
To answer this question we first created a genetic lottery of sorts to determine how far you would get in life depending on your race, gender, economic stature and whether you had brains beauty or strength. For example: if you were a disabled, Asian, women from a poor lower class background would you get as far in life as a smart, white, male from a rich upper class background? The fact that the white male would probably get farther ahead in life shows how unequal society is.

I believe there should be equal opportunity for everyone. We should try and see the world through lenses that negate race, gender,sexuality, etc. so people are judged strictly off of their merit and what they have achieved in life. 

Overall I really enjoyed the discussion in class along with hearing everyone's opinions. It wasn't so bad as far as oral presentations go.

What's a Fair Start Power Point

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