Friday, April 17, 2015

The Hangover Ethical Analysis

To analyze The Hangover I decided to make a list of every thing that could be viewed as unethical and the amount of ethical issues in this film is abundant the final tally was around 66 give or take a few roofies and counting explicit,offensive language throughout the movie as one. 

  • Conning students into paying for their trip to Vegas
  • Explicit, offensive language
  • Making fun of Alan
  • Alan "I don't care if we kill someone"
  • Alan is not supposed to be within two hundred feet of school or Chuckie cheese
  • A teacher calling his students nerds pretending they don't exist
  • Lying to girlfriend of three years saying he's going to Napa Valley instead of Vegas
  • "Paging doctor faggot"
  • Little girl flicking off Alan
  • Making light of drinking and driving
  • Phil " I fucking hate my life" referring to wife and kid. You start dying a little bit everyday after getting married
  • Alan telling Doug he was alright when he could have crashed into truck as a joke risking everyone's life
  • Rude to elderly "I will hit an old man in public"
  • Girlfriend fucked a bartender
  • Counting cards
  • Making light of 9/11
  • Taking advantage of Stu making him pay for a villa
  • Calling friends girlfriend a complete butch
  • Same girlfriend beat boyfriends twice "she's strong willed"
  • Couple having sex in elevator
  • Going upstairs to roof of hotel is not allowed
  • Alan cutting himself
  • Looking for strippers and cocaine
  • Trashed hotel
  • Stealing tiger
  • Baby in closet
  • Don't call authorities about missing baby
  • Cursing in front of baby
  • pretending to make the baby jerk off
  • "I've found a baby before"
  • Driving/stealing cop car
  • Impersonating cops
  • Throwing hotel property (mattress) out the window
  • Hitting baby with car door and only worrying about the glasses said baby was wearing
  • Driving on sidewalk
  • Doctor allowing guests in an examination room during patients nude examination 
  • Leaving baby in the car
  • Married stranger
  • Asain guys attacking the "wolf pack" and hitting a cop car
  • Shot Eddie
  • Lying to Traci
  • Cops blackmailing "wolf pack" to do taser demonstration
  • Parking car in the middle of Las Vegas bolivard "couldn't find a meter"
  • Fat Jesus
  • Can't taser people because you think it's funny that's police brutality
  • Naked Asian man in the trunk
  • Alan drugged the group, he thought it was ecstasy it was roofies
  • Their friend is still missing and they still don't call the authorities
  • Mike Tyson punching Alan for no reason
  • Use "Tend to do dumb shit when were fucked up" as an excuse
  • Drugging tiger (animal cruelty)
  • Stopping car on highway
  • Trespassing on someone else's property
  • Peeing in someone's pool
  • Humping tiger
  • Car purposefully crashes into them
  • Stole money from Cho
  • Making fun of fat Alan
  • Kidnapping Cho
  • Money for Doug deal
  • Racist to "black Doug"
  • Moved white Doug to the roof as a prank
  • 80,000 worth of chips
  • Acting like nothing happened with their families
  • Trashing father in laws car
  • The Photographic evidence
I felt kinda of stuck up, conservative, and hypocritical pointing out everything that was technically or ethically "wrong" with the film when in fact I was laughing the whole time. Even though we know that these are not encouraged we also know that as a whole human race we can't all be perfect drones and do everything to what is considered ethically right. The "wolf pack" has a lot of issues (see list above) that are not easy to pass of on a whim as being alright to do. And it's hard to believe they could really be a person like Alan in the world but there probably is and though he's pretty hilarious in the movie I don't think society would be laughing if we all acted like Alan.

The main ethical issue that can be seen throughout the movie is cussing. To cuss or not to cuss that is the question. Cussing is generally frowned upon, but the fact remains it's generally a very common thing in our world.When is it appropriate to cuss if ever? and Is someone a bad person if they drop the F bomb? I think it depends on context, I don't think it's right to cuss if you're verbally harassing someone, cursing in church or in a K-12 classroom, and so on. Me personally I can cuss like a sailor should the need arise and I really don't mind it unless it's a particular curse word that is derogatory towards me. I think it's fine among certain people that you know personally are comfortable with it, but you wouldn't go up to a elder or even your'e professor and just start dropping a curse word every other word. The first amendment also plays a role but i'm just going to say that, yeah you have the right to say whatever you want but not everybody wants to hear it. Depending on your setting and its context cursing isn't a big deal it's just a word, but there is a time and place for it.

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