Sunday, February 8, 2015


My name is Nicole, i'm an art major at Armstrong, I've never had a blog before and i'm not much of a writer either. This blog is for my ethics class which I chose to fill one of my core class requirements and originally I was skeptical of taking this class because I don't often think existentially. However, the reading and the discussions we have in class so far have really got me thinking about my views on ethical issues. Also with this class I can start incorporating social issues and social commentary into my art which is something I've never done before like writing a blog. 

One thing that I really look forward to in this class is the research project. Mainly because it gives me the excuse to read Lord of the Rings and call it homework. I love books but since I started college I have had a hard time picking up another book, I blame Netflix, but this class has inspired me to get back into reading again.

Now i'm required to keep this blog for ethics and at first I was dreading it, I mean writing a blog, seriously! No one wants to hear me ramble on about ethics, but I think it will be different from your average class work and something I can look forward to. So I don't claim to know much about ethics or keeping a blog but I hope you guys gain something from reading this or at least see my perspective on things and hopefully I don't bore you to bad. I hope you enjoy my blog and i'll see you in class.

Bonus points if you caught the Led Zeppelin reference.

If there are any grammar Nazis out there feel free to point out any typos in any of my posts, I suck at grammar.

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